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Heroes of The Equinox (Valerian and Laureline Vol. 8)

Pierre Christin
Art: Jean-Claude Mézières

Reviewed by Lorenzo Princi
Heroes of The Equinox (Valerian and Laureline Vol. 8) by Pierre Christin
Cover Concept by Lorenzo Princi, 11 June 2017

Valerian and Laureline arrive as representatives of Earth on Simlane, a planet whose aging population have failed to birth their next generation in their unique reproduction ritual. They have thus called for champions from other worlds to try where their own have failed to ensure the survival of their species.

Valerian joins three other off-worlders in this tradition of sending champions to the sacred island of Filene, where the one who survives a series of tests will be chosen to father the next generation; Irmgaal of Krahan, a warrior, righteous and strong. Ortzog, champion of the powerful industrialists of Boornyof and Blimflim of Malamum, a peaceful environmentalist.

Despite its grandiose plot, Heroes of The Equinox is at its core an examination of the role of fatherhood. Each champion promises a distinct future for the children of Simlane in their own image but which will navigate the tests and prove worthy? 

An action packed thrill ride, Volume 8 in the Valerian and Laureline series further illustrates the potency of Mézières and Christin's imaginations. Blending fantastical concepts against a science fiction backdrop while telling stories with core human themes.
