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Aldebaran 3: The Creature

Art: Leo

Reviewed by Lorenzo Princi
Aldebaran 3: The Creature by Leo
Cover Concept by Lorenzo Princi, 15 July 2017
This is an historic day, gentlemen! Today we will gain control over a substance that has always been a dream for humanity since time immemorial: The elixir of eternal youth!

The final chapter of the Aldebaran story kicks off where The Group's cliffhanger ending left us and doesn't let up, being the most action packed part of the series which races to it's epic conclusion.

With the government hot on their heals, the group led by the fearless Driss and Alexa race to meet the creature, whose cycle of bestowing it's special capsuled gifts is nearing. The couple hope the group they have assembled will be chosen, when so many others were ignored.

Strange creatures, inventive scenery and action adventure abound as Leo works to tie up all loose ends and unravel the mystery of the Aldebaran sea creature. Another fun adventure on one hand, ties up one story arc neatly, yet also leaves room for the next part in the saga; Betelgeuse, which I'm sure I'll be reading that soon!

Tags: aldebaran