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Physics of The Impossible

Michio Kaku

Reviewed by Lorenzo Princi
Physics of The Impossible   by Michio Kaku
Cover Concept by Lorenzo Princi, 26 January 2012

This book if truly eye opening, invigorating and uplifting with a positive view on the future. Usually, books of this nature can tend to become hard going with the physists reverting to their mathematical comfort zone when things become difficult to explain in layman's terms. Kaku however, has the ability to be sympathetic to the reader with an abundant knowledge of popular culture and science fiction to match his renowned expertise on physics.

The premise of the book is simple; which technologies currently only imagined in science fiction are actually possible in the real world. To help define and establish the how and when of each "impossible", Kaku places each in one of three classes:

  • Class I being impossibilities which don't break the laws of physics and the technology required to realise them could be available within the next century.
  • Class II being impossibilities which don't break the laws of physics, however we are yet to develop the relevant technology to realise them and may not do for some time.
  • Class III being impossibilities which break the laws of physics as we understand them and therefore have no means to attempt them. These are perhaps the only true impossibilities however they are surprisingly few.

With this structure in place, Kaku light-speeds through a glorious cosmos of ray guns, teleporters and force fields at warp speed. He gives credible and scientific possibility to the most amazing scientific feats (some of which are closer than you would think).

Physics of The Impossible is the sort of book which could inspire not only a new generation of physicists to expand the realms of possibility, but for the greater community to look once more toward the stars and beyond, something which hasn't been done on a large scale since the space race.

A rubber stamp on the saying "anything is possible".
